Since the last time I wrote there have been several changes made, The main thing you might notice are the colors and size of the game. but if you look closely there are small details that add a lot to the game experience overall.
First off, there is the Sound indicator at the bottom. here you can toggle the music on/off. If there is one thing I hate is having a game making noise when I don't want it to. so this button will help solve that issue.
Secondly you notice the ball looks weird and there is a small blue circle. The blue circle is the cursor, and its main functionality is to tell you if you are able to shoot or not. when you aim at an angle that is not permitted this cursor turns red. The reason why the ball looks stretched is because now you get this little preview of the direction the ball is going to take, this really helps the aiming. There might be a possibility of me adding the gravity effect to the preview, that way it is even more helpful.
Third is a small detail that might not seem different, and that is the record. When I took this screenshot I had just ran the program, but this score was there, the reason it was there is because I have added the functionality for the game to store values in a Shared Object. this means that the record will always appear there every time I play. This feature is going to take this game to the next level. now I can add unlocks, and keep track of any data I want.
The last thing is the menu song. Now you won't be greeted by a boring silent menu.
There is a small business trip coming ahead, so there might be a one or two day delay on the next update.
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